Lectins & Glycobiology Reagents

High-quality, purified lectins and other reagents for glycobiology and other applications

Lectins are a broad class of glycan binding proteins that have their origin as plant proteins known to agglutinate red blood cells. Since Lectins bind glycoconjugates in much the same way that antibodies bind antigens, researchers can use them to explore a myriad of biological structures and processes.

Specifically, Lectins can be used in glycobiology to:

  • Separate oligosaccharides, even those with identical sugar compositions
  • Discriminate between oligosaccharide structures
  • Isolate a specific glycoconjugate, cell, or virus from a mixture


Independent assessment of lectins by the National Center for Functional Glycomics (NCFG)

A selection of Vector Laboratories lectin products is independently assessed by the NCFG using the NCFG glycan arrays and the Consortium for Functional Glycomics (CFG) glycan arrays, providing researchers with detailed glycan-binding specificity. This data is available to the public on the NCFG website.

High-Quality, Purified Lectins And Other Reagents For Glycan And Glycoprotein Detection, Visualization And Isolation

Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded mouse kidney stained with Fl-AAL. Mounted with VECTASHIELD HardSet with DAPI.

Cy5Sna40X 1600

Colon (FFPE): Antigen retrieved with Antigen Unmasking Solution, stained with Cy5 Sambucus Nigra Lectin (SNA; fuchsia). DAPI counterstain (blue).

Explore Lectins & Glycobiology Reagents

Vl Lectin Glycobiology Icon 1

Lectin screening kits provide a panel of lectins or lectin conjugates selected to provide a variety of sugar binding preferences. The smaller volume unit sizes in these kits are of the same high quality as individually offered lectin units.

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All lectins manufactured by Vector Laboratories are extracted from a native plant source (i.e. seeds, bulbs, fruit etc.) and are not recombinant. Lectins are grouped based on their monsaccharide binding preferences.


The Lectins Application and Resource Guide is a content rich educational booklet that provides
insight into how lectins are applied in biological sciences. With a focus on plant derived lectins, the guide showcases the flexibility and utilization of lectins and lectin conjugates in established lab applications.