High-sensitivity avidin-biotin kits with horseradish peroxidase-based detection
Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) substrates produce sharp, dense precipitates with crisp localization. In conjunction with the high sensitivity and low background of VECTASTAIN ABC systems, HRP-based detection systems are a preferred choice for many applications, including immunohistochemistry (IHC), immunocytochemistry (ICC), protein and nucleic acid blot, in situ hybridization (ISH), and enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) detection.
In addition to their inclusion of the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) enzyme detection system and use of avidin / biotin technology, these low-cost kits are highly sensitive with low background signal. They can also be used as a second label in multiple antigen labeling applications. Choose from among three different kit formats:
- VECTASTAIN ELITE® ABC Kits — our most sensitive formulations, these kits offer a smaller and more uniform avidin-biotin complex for greater accessibility to biotinylated targets within tissue samples and are available in concentrated formats or as prediluted, ready-to-use (R.T.U.) formulations
- VECTASTAIN Original ABC Kits — our original and most economical formulation, these kits offers good sensitivity with low background
- VECTASTAIN Universal Quick Kits — our most rapid protocol, these kits offer a proprietary peroxidase-streptavidin pre-formed complex for outstanding sensitivity with short incubation times. These kits can be used to quickly detect primary antibodies made in mouse, rabbit, or goat, and are available in concentrated formats or in prediluted, ready-to-use (R.T.U.) formulations
Application Note
- To detect a biotinylated target, use the VECTASTAIN ABC Standard Kit with an appropriate substrate
- To detect an unlabeled primary antibody or lectin, use a biotinylated secondary antibody (that binds the primary antibody species or lectin you have chosen), the VECTASTAIN ABC reagent, and an appropriate substrate (for example, to detect a rabbit primary antibody, choose the VECTASTAIN ABC Kit, Rabbit IgG).

Breast Carcinoma: • Estrogen Receptor (m); VECTASTAIN Elite ABC Kit, Vector NovaRED substrate (red) • CD34 (m) • VECTASTAIN ELITE ABC Kit, DAB substrate (brown) • Cytokeratin 8/18 (m), VECTASTAIN ELITE ABC Kit, Vector SG Substrate (blue/gray)

Tonsil: • Multi-Cytokeratin (m), VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® DAB (brown) • CD3 (m), VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® VIP (purple) • CD20 (m), VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC Kit, Vector® SG (blue-gray).
A quick reference guide that outlines the systematic controls to help identify background sources in an immunohistochemistry protocol using ABC systems. Also troubleshoot issues of weak or no staining. Laminated.