Maravai LifeSciences Acquires Vector Laboratories
April 5, 2016
Maravai LifeSciences, a transformative company in the life science research market, announced today that it has acquired Vector Laboratories, a leader in the development and manufacture of labeling and detection reagents for biomedical research. The acquisition fits with Maravai LifeSciences’ goal of creating a market-leading life science business by bringing investment, strong and experienced leadership, processes and best practice to companies with notable growth potential.
“We are investing in companies like Vector Laboratories that have exceptional products, a history of success and outstanding growth possibilities,” explains David Weber, vice president and chief commercial officer for Maravai LifeSciences. “We have a strong management team with extensive experience in the life science tools market, which we bring to the companies we acquire.”
Initially, Maravai intends to expand Vector Laboratories’ distribution network, build on its custom and OEM business, reinvigorate its marketing and strengthen the company’s brand.
About Maravai LifeSciences
Maravai LifeSciences was formed in 2014 as a partnership between Carl Hull, Eric Tardif and GTCR private equity firm. Maravai’s mission is to build a transformative company in the life sciences tool and in vitro diagnostics markets by acquiring outstanding businesses in these spaces and accelerating their growth.
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