Mouse on Mouse (M.O.M.) Kits
For detecting anti-mouse antibodies in mouse tissues
An anti-mouse detection antibody generally cannot distiguish between a primary antibody produced in mouse and the endogenous mouse immunoglobulins present in mouse tissue. Such applications often result in high background staining, which obscures specific staining. Eliminate this problem by using M.O.M. Kits. In addition to the inclusion of our proprietary M.O.M. Mouse Ig Blocking Reagent, these kits offer;
- A significant reducuction in background staining in mouse tissues
- Clear, crisp staining of the antigens of interest
- The avoidance of tedious calculations and primary antibody pre-binding steps
Mouse on Mouse (M.O.M.) Kit options include:
Kits utilizing Avidin / Biotin technology
- M.O.M. Elite® ABC kit, Peroxidase
- M.O.M. Immunodetection Fluorescein kit
- M.O.M. Immunodetection Basic kit
Reagents for use with our M.O.M. Kits
Kits utilizing polymer technology

LEFT Image: No M.O.M. Kit utilized. Frozen Mouse Intestine double labeled with Peripherin (m), Biotinylated Horse Anti-Mouse IgG, Fluorescein Avidin DCS (green); and Desmin (m), Biotinylated Horse Anti-Mouse IgG, Texas Red® Avidin DCS (red). Note background and signal mixing.
RIGHT Image: M.O.M. Kit utilized: Frozen Mouse Intestine double labeled with Peripherin (m), M.O.M. Fluorescein Kit (green), and Desmin (m), M.O.M. Basic Kit, Texas Red Avidin DCS (red). Compare with adjacent image prepared without M.O.M. Kit.
RIGHT Image: M.O.M. Kit utilized: Frozen Mouse Intestine double labeled with Peripherin (m), M.O.M. Fluorescein Kit (green), and Desmin (m), M.O.M. Basic Kit, Texas Red Avidin DCS (red). Compare with adjacent image prepared without M.O.M. Kit.