BioChronicles Blog

Quantum Dots

In the first of our three part series on Bioconjugation, we’ll be exploring what’s involved, how it enables life science research, the challenges associated with it, and the excitement in future work.

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Click Chemistry Crosslinking with dPEG®

In the first of our three part series on Bioconjugation, we’ll be exploring what’s involved, how it enables life science research, the challenges associated with it, and the excitement in future work.

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Maleimide Crosslinker Selection Guide

In the first of our three part series on Bioconjugation, we’ll be exploring what’s involved, how it enables life science research, the challenges associated with it, and the excitement in future work.

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It Takes Two to Tango, Part 2: Applications of Bioconjugation

In the previous section, we discussed the methods of bioconjugation. And the marriage of a biomolecule and a small molecule has given rise to various modalities commonly used in biomedical research. Here, we focus on the applications in the fields of therapeutics, diagnostics, protein-protein interactions, and nanotechnology.

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Envisioning the Future of Glycoinformatics

SugarGPT: Envisioning the Future of Glycoinformatics

The body’s autoimmune response has been leveraged by cancer researchers to propel immunotherapy tools into clinical use. Although the main focus has been on the ability of T-cells to fight cancer cells, the involvement of tumor-infiltrating B-cells is also becoming evident. Tumor-infiltrating B lymphocytes (TIL-Bs) are produced in much higher amounts in various cancers than in healthy tissues, which highlights their positive prognostic value (1). However, their exact role in cancer remains controversial, with the demonstration of both positive and negative impacts.

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Adding efficiency and convenience to multiplexing workflows​

Multiplexing has revolutionized immunostaining workflows. It allows the simultaneous detection of multiple targets in the same tissue section and empowers scientists to gather more data while sparing precious samples. But issues with cross-reactivity between reagents can hinder the ability to perform simultaneous double or triple staining. When these issues arise, scientists can use the VectaPlexÔ Antibody Removal Kit to do multiple rounds of labeling and perform multiplexing experiments.

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Glycans and B-cells: How glycans influence adaptive immunity

The body’s autoimmune response has been leveraged by cancer researchers to propel immunotherapy tools into clinical use. Although the main focus has been on the ability of T-cells to fight cancer cells, the involvement of tumor-infiltrating B-cells is also becoming evident. Tumor-infiltrating B lymphocytes (TIL-Bs) are produced in much higher amounts in various cancers than in healthy tissues, which highlights their positive prognostic value (1). However, their exact role in cancer remains controversial, with the demonstration of both positive and negative impacts.

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