Behind the Scenes: The Making of VectaPlex™ Antibody Removal Kit

08 03 23 Banner Jpg

Creating a product that stands out and addresses the needs of scientists requires ingenuity, persistence, and a lot of testing; our new product, VectaPlex™ Antibody Removal Kit, is no exception. We sat down with Senior Scientist August Estabrook, PhD, to get an inside look into the birth and development of VectaPlex. 

What is the VectaPlex Antibody Removal Kit? 

VectaPlex is not just another reagent kit. It’s a carefully crafted ensemble of reagents designed specifically to strip detection reagents from tissue specimens without damaging them. Its magic lies in allowing scientists to perform sequential staining of multiple markers, even when using antibodies from the same species, thereby achieving a rich, multiplexed image that can reveal intricate details about the sample. 

How does VectaPlex stand out from current antibody removal methodologies? 

Today, many labs rely on microwave treatment or pressure cooking when it comes to stripping detection reagents. But these methods, despite their widespread use, have a downside: they can be aggressive, often compromising the delicate morphology of the tissue samples. VectaPlex, on the other hand, offers a gentler approach. It effectively removes the antibodies without causing harm to the tissue, establishing it as a unique and superior solution in the realm of antibody removal. 

Where did the idea of VectaPlex come from? 

In our continuous pursuit of advancing research, we identified a pressing need: the power of multiplexing was clear, but there wasn’t an easy way to use primary antibodies from the same species without risking cross-reactivity. The idea for VectaPlex was born out of this very need, aiming to address this gap and provide researchers with a tool that simplifies complex procedures. 

How did VectaPlex go from an idea to a finished product? 

The journey from concept to product is never linear. Armed with an idea, we delved deep into the existing literature, gleaning insights and identifying gaps. Starting with preliminary formulations, we embarked on a process of refinement. It involved multiple iterations, each time inching closer to our goal.   

What were the major challenges during the development of VectaPlex? 

Every innovation comes with its set of challenges. For me, aligning the images using a computer program was a steep learning curve. But innovation thrives in collaboration. With the support and guidance from colleagues who were experts in the area, what seemed like an insurmountable challenge became a manageable task.  

What made the development process of VectaPlex rewarding? 

There’s an indescribable joy in seeing one’s efforts come to fruition. For us, that moment arrived when we achieved our first 6-Plex image using solely mouse antibodies. Witnessing that vibrant, detailed image was not just a testament to VectaPlex’s capabilities but also a heartwarming validation of our hard work. 

How will VectaPlex benefit its users? 

VectaPlex is more than a product; it’s an enabler. It lowers the hurdles researchers often face in achieving multiplexing. By using VectaPlex, researchers no longer have to grapple with the complexities of specialized equipment or invest in expensive labeled primaries. It democratizes the process, allowing everyone to embrace the power of multiplexing with their standard reagents and workflows. 

Any insights or tips for potential users of VectaPlex? 

Diving into a new method can seem daunting. However, we’ve got you covered. Our comprehensive user guide breaks down the process, making it straightforward and easy to follow. With VectaPlex by your side, multiplexing with your regular reagents becomes a seamless experience. 

For those looking to push the boundaries of their research and delve deep into the world of multiplexing, our Immunofluorescence Resources Guide and Multiplexing Guide are invaluable resources. Stay tuned to our blog for more insights, innovations, and behind-the-scenes stories.